Project Lead, Lead Programmer - Mitch Diamond

Level Design, Prototype Programmer  - Ashlie Bates

Breakable ground programming - Nyles Durfey


This game is a puzzle game with two characters. One that is big and strong. One that is small and fast. They must work together to survive and make it to the end of each level.


Reach the doors at the end of the puzzle.

Big Player:

-Moves once a round

-Can’t move onto fragile blocks(purple blocks)

-Can move through water flow

-Can move boulder

- “I” is up

- “k” is down

- “j” is left

- “l” is right

Small Player:

-Moves twice a round

-Can move onto fragile blocks

-Can’t move through water flow

-Can’t move boulder

- “w” is up

- “s” is down

- “a” is left

- “d” is right


- “Spacebar” press buttons

- Movement is now available with mouse control. You select the character you want to move, and where it can move is highlighted. Then you click on the square you want them to go to, and they move.

The game worlds using a turn based economy. So the small player can only move two times before the big player once. The other way around it also true. Meaning small can not move 3 squares without the big player moving at least once.

Traps and how they are deactivated:

-Spikes/Pressure Plate

-Gap/Bridge Release Button

-Hole/Boulder pushed into hole to fill it

-Boulder/Big player can move it to unblock path

-Rushing Water/Big player can walk through but small player can’t. Big player can either turn off the water flow or find some way to help the small player overcome the obstacle.

Made withUnity

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